Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Railway Trestle

    North Arm Fraser River, Richmond BC

I travel past here all the time, but today I stopped . . .


  1. Pretty blue sky, and I like the pattern of the trestle frame.

    1. Trobairitz:

      I also liked the geometry of the wood but it was hard to find the right perspective.

  2. Nice that you stopped to take a photo. Sometimes that seems hard, at least for me. I always wonder if there will be a better place down the road and usually I miss the shot.

    Railroad trestles have always fascinated me but they are hard to photograph. Details are easy to lose since they are usually the darkest object in the photograph. There are some wonderful trestles including at least one that you drive over on the way from Chitna to McCarthy here in Alaska. I hope to make the trip again this summer...

    1. Richard:

      I could have lightened up the image. It was a 3 shot HDR but then the pilings were dark, so I left it dark. Most of the time when I really want a photo I have to turn around as you will just keep going and not stop. I was fascinated with the trestle too but I keep rolling.

      If ever you spot a photo, you have to do it right NOW. because the light will never be the same the Next Time

  3. Replies
    1. Kathy:

      This was a 3 shot, bracketed HDR. Developed using Photomatix Pro 5.0
