Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Bridges & Pier

The Burrard Bridge (front) and Granville Bridge (behind) with more signs of Spring.   The UBC rowing club has just returned from a training session


  1. The red gear compliments the photo.

    At least they returned safe and sound. The OSU rowing team here in town had to be rescued by fire crews this week when they struck a pier in the river.

    1. Trobairitz:

      I snapped other photos of them whilst rowing but I wanted to include the geometric shapes of the bridges and pier. That was the old Coast Guard station that was recently closed. Because of parking challenges I usually snap photos from Granville Island which is between the two bridges.

      I think the Dragon Boat teams practice all year round

  2. Bob I love your pictures! I am glad you started this photoblog,

    1. Dar:

      thank you. I had been thinking about separating my photos for some time and have gone with the usual photo format which is just a photo with a sentence or two. All photos on the other blog are SOOC. All of these photos are post-processed to punch them up a bit

  3. fantastic photo dude...nice work done.
