Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Out for dinner

It was March 5th.  We were out for a special dinner   "some one's Birthday" . . .


  1. Replies
    1. Richard:

      Hard to think it was a week ago. Hard to diet when the food is so good

  2. Replies
    1. Richard:

      It's Cambodian/VIetnamese (featured on Diners, Dives & Drive-ins)

      info here

      Hard to get seated, always a line up

  3. Replies
    1. Dar:

      Menu item #35. MMmmm. Mouth watering good. How do you know that it wasn't my BD ?

    2. Google said it wasn't. Actually, it's on your Google+ profile page...

    3. Richard:

      Once Google+ links to your profile, there is no option to unlink. This happened withYoutube and I only just found out that I could have reversed the link within 14 days, if only I had known. I may have to make all of my unposted videos "private" until I link them then make them public later so that I can control when they are viewed.

      I hope I hid my "year" on the profile

    4. Nope, no year shown in the profile. And you mentioned that it was Mrs Skoot's birthday in a post a couple of years back....
